Ouyen Station while no longer in use for passengers is a major freight centre with a substantial yard area.
The platform and station building are used as part of the freight centre with the passenger ticket office in use for bus services.
A pedestrian overpass and grain silos exist at the DOWN end of the station, while the junction for the Pinaroo Line is located at the UP end.

Front of Ouyen Station building

Ouyen platform looking UP

Looking DOWN towards grain silos from pedestrian overpass

Ouyen Station looking UP from overpass

Ouyen platform looking UP from overpass

Ouyen station sign

Front of station building looking UP

Looking DOWN along Ouyen platform

Looking UP along Ouyen platform

Sheltered waiting area looking UP

Ouyen Station looking DOWN

Ouyen goods shed
Next Station
DOWN (Yelta Line)
DOWN (Pinaroo Line)
Yelta Line