Victoria Park
Victoria Park Station is located adjacent to the Victoria Park Football Ground which was the former home ground of the Collingwood Football CLub.
The Station is elevated and unstaffed and has some train stabling facilities at the DOWN end.
A former goods yard is located adjacent to the station which until recently contained a goods shed which was destroyed by fire.

Former goods yard looking DOWN

Looking across former goods yard to Victoria Park Football Ground

Former goods yard looking UP

Goods shed at UP end of goods yard

Pedestrian overpass across goods yard looking DOWN

Pedestrian overpass across goods yard looking DOWN

Goods shed at UP end of goods yard

Goods shed looking UP

Former goods yard looking DOWN from UP end

Former connection from goods yard to through tracks looking DOWN

DOWN end of station looking DOWN

View of goods shed from station looking DOWN

Victoria Park Station looking UP

DOWN station building looking UP

UP station building looking UP
Next Station
Whittlesea Line