Dimboola station remains in use as a freight centre and passenger stop with 4 tracks through the station, a platform and station buildings and pedestrian overpasses at either end.
It is also the junction of the freight line to Yaapeet.

Front of main station building

Looking DOWN along platform

Main station building looking DOWN

Main station building looking UP

Looking UP from DOWN end of platform

Dimboola Station looking UP from footbridge at DOWN end

DOWN end of station looking DOWN

Dimboola Station main buildings looking UP from footbridge at DOWN end

Dimboola main station buildings

Portable building at UP end of station

Dimboola Station main buildings looking DOWN

UP end of station looking UP

Buildings at UP end of station looking UP

Portable building at UP end of station looking UP

Dimboola Station looking DOWN from UP end
Next Station
DOWN (Serviceton Line)
DOWN (Yaapeet Line)
Serviceton Line