Bacchus Marsh (2002)
Bacchus Marsh remains a fairly substantial station with sidings and even a turntable still in service.
The yards are often used to store locomotives and passenger carriages that are not in service.
Some V/Line Passenger services terminate at this station.

Bacchus Marsh signal box viewed from carpark

Bacchus Marsh signal box

View of signal box and station building from carpark

Signal box viewed from UP end of platform

UP end of Bacchus Marsh Station

Semaphore signals at UP end of station

Bacchus Marsh station platform looking UP

Bacchus Marsh yard

Semaphore signals at DOWN end of station

DOWN end of Bacchus Marsh Station

Bacchus Marsh Station building entrance from carpark

Bacchus Marsh turntable

Bacchus Marsh turntable from buffer stop
Next Station
Serviceton Line