Spotswood Station is stopped at by metropolitan eletric trains operating to Werribee and Williamstown.
The station is not staffed despite containing substantial brick station buildings. Several former freight lines branched off in the vicinity of this station.

Former track leading to Holden Dock looking UP

Former track leading to Holden Dock looking DOWN

Reservation of former Holden Dock branch line looking UP

Reservation of former Holden Dock branch line looking DOWN

Goods track adjacent to Hall Street at UP end of sttaion looking UP

Former rail crossing of Hall Street at UP end of station looking DOWN

Track leading into ACI

Track from ACI looking towards Spotswood

Hudson Street level crossing looking DOWN

Hudson Street level crossing looking DOWN closeup

Goods track on UP side of Spotswood looking DOWN

Spotswood signal box looking DOWN

Front of DOWN platform station building

Spotswood UP platform looking DOWN

Spotswood UP platform looking UP

Goods track looking DOWN towards Spotswood

Goods track looking DOWN towards Spotswood
Next Station
Port_Fairy Line