Warragul retains a large brick station building which is staffed for most of the time. Many V/Line Passenger services stop here.
The station retains a relatively large yard with a number of tracksand a small goods shed. Warragul is the current limit of overhead electric traction with the wires ending several hundred metres on the DOWN side of the station.

Entrance to Warragul Station

Warragul station yard in front of goods shed

DOWN platform looking DOWN

Tracks adjacent to UP platform looking UP

Looking DOWN from DOWN end of station

DOWN platform looking UP

DOWN platform looking UP below canopy

View of goods shed from freight area

Warragul yard looking UP

Looking across yard to station building and platform

Warragul yard looking DOWN

Gate onto DOWN platform

Warragul yard looking DOWN from UP platform

Warragul yard looking DOWN from UP platform

Warragul yard looking UP from UP platform

End of wires beyond DOWN end of station
Next Station
Orbost Line