Traralgon is a staffed station which is stopped at by V/Line Passenger trains to Sale. Many services also terminate here.
A modern station has recently been built at Traralgon located on the DOWN platform which has been incorporated into a shopping centre.
The former station building located on the DOWN platform is used by a community group.
A turntable and stabling facilities are located at the DOWN end of the station while a pedestrian overpass is located at the UP end.

View of station looking DOWN from overpass

Front of old station building looking Down

Old station building looking Up

Red Hens sitting at turntable at Down end of station

Looking Up along current platform

Looking Up from Up end of current platform

Old station building looking Down

Remains of former staunchion on roof of old station building

Front of old station building looking Up

Loco servicing facilities at Down end of station
Next Station
DOWN (Maffra Line)
DOWN (Sale Line)
Orbost Line