The former platform at Bruthen Station remains clearly evident with a station nameboard recently erected when the bike trail was constructed along the railway route.
On the Down side of the station there is a road overbridge where the main street of the town passes above the former railway alignment. Further on the Down side of the station the former ROW crosses the Tambo River on a large bridge.
A timer trestle bridge also once crossed Deep Creek on the Up side of the station however part of this bridge has now been demolished.

Rail crossing at DOWN end of station looking Up

Bruthen Station nameboard

Bruthen platform looking Up

Bruthen platform looking Down

Deep Creek bridge remains looking Down

Deep Creek bridge remains looking Up

Deep Creek bridge

Deep Creek bridge

Deep Creek bridge

Deep Creek bridge remains looking Down

Deep Creek bridge remains looking Down

Deep Creek bridge remains looking Down

Deep Creek bridge remains looking Down

Deep Creek bridge remains looking Down

Tambo River Bridge

Cutting on Down side of station looking Down

Road overpass at Down end of station
Next Station
Orbost Line