Sunbury Station is a busy passenger station on the V/Line network with many trains terminating here.
It is also the farthest station on the Bendigo Line to which Metcard ticketing applies and is permanently staffed.
The station has undergone major changes in recent years with major shopping centres built on either side.
The DOWN station building has been replaced and a new footbridge has been built at the DOWN end.

New passenger shelter on DOWN platform looking UP

UP platform looking UP from footbridge

Brick water structure on DOWN platform

Station building looking DOWN from DOWN platform

Sunbury Station looking DOWN from DOWN platform

Looking DOWN along DOWN platform

UP platform looking DOWN from DOWN platform

DOWN passenger shelter looking UP from UP platform

UP platform looking UP

Sunbury Station looking UP from DOWN end

Sheltered passenger waiting area looking UP

Sunbury Station sign

Sheltered passenger waiting area looking DOWN

Building at UP end of UP platform

UP platform looking DOWN

Front of station building

Trackwork on DOWN side of station

Sunbury Station looking UP from footbridge

DOWN platform looking UP from footbridge
Next Station
Echuca Line