A remarkable amount of former rail infrastructure exists at Rushworth Station despite the rail line being closed over 15 years ago. The goods shed and platform are still in place while a significant amount of trackwork in the former yard also remains in-situ. A significant length of track extends from the former station site to the main street where fencing for the former crossing remains. A footbridge is also still present across the tracks at the DOWN end of the station.

Rushworth goods shed with silos in background

Looking UP towards Rushworth Station from DOWN end

Footbridge at DOWN end of station looking DOWN

Looking UP towards station from DOWN side of footbridge

Level crossing of the main street looking DOWN

Level crossing of the main street looking UP

Commemorative platform at UP side of the level crossing of the main street

View looking UP towards station from footbridge

View looking DOWN towards level crossing from footbridge

Tracks on UP side of station looking UP

Rushworth station site looking DOWN

Rushworth goods shed looking UP

Looking DOWN from yard area

Goods shed looking UP from yard

Looking DOWN towards footbridge

Rushworth silos looking UP

Rushworth Station looking UP
Next Station
DOWN (Colbinabbin Line)
DOWN (Girgarre Line)
Colbinabbin Line